Sika/Liquid Plastics Liquid Applied Membranes
With the demand for greener, longer lasting roof membranes facing owners and designers, cold-applied systems are gaining acceptance in the US and have enjoyed widespread use in Europe for quite some time. This coupled with the general trend away from many roof systems that incorporate kettles or heat has allowed Sika/Liquid Plastics to hit the US market with a “new” unique chemistry that has nearly 25 years of actual field experience in some of the world’s harshest climates. Warranties of 10-25 years are available and are renewable at the end of the warranty term by simply reinstating the topcoat.
Cold, fluid-applied systems are available for the following;
- Roof Recovers
- Protected Membrane Assemblies (including Green Roofs)
- Plaza Deck and Terrace Waterproofing
- Wall Systems

Atlas Minerals and Chemicals Company
Today, Atlas is regarded as a leader in the field of corrosion-resistant setting beds, mortars and grouts, chemical resistant coatings, floorings and linings. This recognition is based on a solid background including a number of industry “firsts” in the field of non-metallic, corrosion-resistant construction materials. The Atlas product line includes:
- Acid Brick and Tile Systems
- Prefabricated Thermoplastic Liners
- Corrosion Resistant Concretes
- Epoxy and Vinyl Ester Lining Systems

Triton Waterproofing
Triton’s neoprene rubber material, Tritoflex, provides a spray applied, seamless, water based/zero VOC solution to waterproofing. Experienced applicators often use Tritoflex for standing seam metal roof restoration, patch and repair work, as well as temporary waterproofing on full re-roofs. The neoprene rubber is mixed with a mist of salt water to rapidly accelerate the curing process. The result is an instant setting material that has 1900% elongation. For more information and video demonstration, visit our Triton waterproofing page.